Archive for Women

Great Expectations: Controlling Diabetes While Enjoying Your Pregnancy

Enjoying your pregnancy… that might sound like an oxymoron – especially when your diabetes comes in to play. Often times when we first find out that we are expecting a baby while also living with a chronic illness it can make us go into that horrible, icky place of equal parts anxiety and self-pity.

But the truth is that caring for ourselves during this time isn’t the rocket science or the martyr expedition that we expect it will be. In fact, being pregnant with diabetes can be an adventure and if you set your mind to it, we guarantee you can enjoy your pregnancy all while taking good care of your special needs.

Milk Doesn’t Always Do a Body Good

A diabetes diet for pregnant women is bound to be a little different but don’t worry – it isn’t that milk is no longer good for you. Milk simply contains high levels of lactose and simple sugars. This means that the milk you put in your morning cereal may be just as sugary as the Cinnamon Toast Crunch you have been craving. If are drinking milk for the calcium consider a supplement instead and lower your milk intake to help keep your levels at bay.

Fuel Up on Power Foods

Foods that are high in fiber are incredibly beneficial to women with diabetes. Foods such as fresh fruits and veggies, cereals and whole grain breads, even beans, dried peas and other forms of legumes… these foods are broken down slowly and absorbed at snail speeds compared to other foods. This means that they help to keep your blood sugar from shooting upward after meals.

While a Hershey bar might sound more inviting when held up to cravings, consider this… how much will your friends hate you when you stay super thin, fabulous and youthful, bouncing back right after baby?

Eat Three Small to Moderate Meals Each Day

Well, darn. We know it’s a giant bummer when your doctor says it might be better to skip that HUGE meal and keep things in moderation… but trust us in the long run your hips and thighs will thank you.  Much will your bathing suit when summer comes and you don’t have to nearly hyperventilate sucking in your gut.

Don’t think of this as eating less – think of it as an opportunity to enjoy food more. Not only do you get those three small to moderate meals a day, you can also have two to four snacks each day including a snack after dinner – which kind of makes this whole three small meals thing sound awesome.

Be Good to Yourself

It can be tempted when you spend so much time worried about what you are eating to really stop to be joyful – but it is a must. Diabetes or no diabetes, women with chronic illnesses have happy, healthy pregnancies and babies every single day. Some even claim that their disease helps to keep them not only on the fast track to a healthier pregnancy but helps them to appreciate it more.

So what does all this mean? It means a diabetes diet for pregnant women is important – but your pregnancy isn’t only about your diabetes. It’s about you, amazing, wonderful YOU – creating life, enjoying the flutters and anticipating belly laughs and tummy tickles. When your diabetes gets you down, just think of the belly laughs and tummy tickles. They will be the reason you are stronger than you know.